
The making of snowfairy

This illustrate was made for the 3D MODELLING CONTEST of DELMO .

The theme is " winter " .

I was confused for the theme because I don't know what exactly will make everyone 

loves it and contains a feeling of winter .

Then I asked my workmate :" So is there something cute only appears in winter ?"

"eh,  baked sweet potatoes  ? " she answered .

Ha ha,  why potatoes ? I don't know but it indeed gives people a warm image especially 

in winter . 

Everyone loves sweetpotatoes in China or Japan .I mean , almost.

So here 's the image comes out , a snowfairy eating sweet potato~

I created the illustrate fist , and later I'll make it into 3 dimentional .

I also had my making prograss recorded , later I 'll upload it to Youtube 

and you can see it here .
